
Twinkle Sharma 3 Year Old Girl Brutally Raped and Murdered

Aspect of India's sectarian conflicts

At that place accept been several instances of religious violence against Muslims since the partition of India in 1947, frequently in the form of vehement attacks on Muslims by Hindu nationalist mobs that class a pattern of sporadic sectarian violence betwixt the Hindu and Muslim communities. Over 10,000 people have been killed in Hindu-Muslim communal violence since 1950 in 6,933 instances of communal violence between 1954 and 1982.[ane]

The causes of violence against Muslims are varied. The roots are idea to lie in Indian history – resentment towards the Islamic conquest of India during the Middle Ages, divisive policies established by the colonial government during the flow of British rule, and the segmentation of India into an Islamic state of Pakistan and an Indian state with a Muslim minority. Many scholars believe that incidents of anti-Muslim violence are politically motivated and a part of the electoral strategy of mainstream political parties who are associated with Hindu nationalism like the Bharatiya Janata Party (political wing of RSS). Other scholars believe that the violence is not widespread but that it is restricted to certain urban areas considering of local socio-political conditions.[2]


The roots of anti-Muslim violence tin can be traced to events in Indian history – resentment towards the Islamic conquest of Bharat during the Eye Ages, divisive policies established past the colonial government during the flow of British dominion (peculiarly after the suppression of the Indian Rebellion of 1857, which saw Hindus and Muslims cooperate in revolt against the East Bharat Company), and the partition of India into an Islamic country of Pakistan and an Indian state with a Muslim minority.[3] [four]

A major factor in the rise tide of violence confronting Muslims is the proliferation of Hindu-nationalist parties, which work alongside or under the political umbrella of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh.[5] This is evident in Golwalkar'southward writings virtually Hitler's Nazi-Deutschland where he observed: "Race pride at its highest has been manifested hither. Federal republic of germany has too shown how well nigh impossible it is for Races and cultures, having differences going to the root, to exist assimilated into one united whole, a good lesson for apply in Hindusthan to acquire and turn a profit by."[6] Since former-BJP leader LK Advani took the Hindutva-credo to the mainstream of Indian politics by mode of a Ram Rath Yatra, vehement attacks on Muslim minorities have increased. Scholars argue that anti-Muslim rhetoric, politics, and policies have proved beneficial for Hindutva-leaders, especially the BJP, and therefore can be said to exist politically motivated.[7] [8] [9] [ten]


Violence against Muslims is ofttimes in the course of mob attacks on Muslims by Hindus.[eleven] [12] These attacks are referred to as communal riots in India and are seen to be part of a pattern of sporadic sectarian violence between the bulk Hindu and minority Muslim communities, and take also been continued to a ascent in Islamophobia throughout the 20th century.[thirteen] Most incidents take occurred in the northern and western states of India, whereas communalist sentiment in the s is less pronounced.[14] Amid the largest incidents in post-division India include the large-scale killing of Muslims following the Operation Polo in Hyderabad, anti-Muslim riots in Kolkata in the aftermath of 1950 Barisal Riots and 1964 East Pakistan riots, 1969 Gujarat riots, 1984 Bhiwandi riot, 1985 Gujarat riots, 1989 Bhagalpur violence, Mumbai riots, Nellie in 1983[15] and Gujarat anarchism in 2002 and 2013 Muzaffarnagar riots.

These patterns of violence have been well-established since partition, with dozens of studies documenting instances of mass violence confronting minority groups.[16] Over 10,000 people have been killed in Hindu-Muslim communal violence since 1950.[17] Co-ordinate to official figures, there were six,933 instances of communal violence betwixt 1954 and 1982 and, between 1968 and 1980, there were 530 Hindus and i,598 Muslims killed in a total of 3,949 instances of mass violence.[18]

In 1989, at that place were incidents of mass violence throughout the north of Republic of india.[19] Praveen Swami believes these periodic acts of violence have "scarred India's post independence history" and have also hindered Bharat's cause in Jammu and Kashmir with regard to the Kashmir conflict.[20]

In 2017, IndiaSpend reported that 84% of the victims of cow vigilante violence in India from 2010 to 2017 were Muslims, and almost 97% of these attacks were reported later on May 2014.[21] [22]

Causes and effects

Location of incidents. Metropolis name with year

The roots of this violence are idea to prevarication in Indian history – including resentment towards the Islamic conquest of India during the Middle Ages, divisive policies established past the colonial authorities during the menses of British dominion, and the partition of Republic of india into an Islamic land of Pakistan and an Indian land with a Muslim minority.[4] [23] [ undue weight? ] Some scholars have described incidents of anti-Muslim violence as politically motivated and organized and called them pogroms,[24] or acts of genocide,[25] [26] or a course of state terrorism with "organized political massacres"[27] rather than mere "riots".[28] Others argue that, although their community faces discrimination and violence, some Muslims have been highly successful,[29] that the violence is non as widespread as it appears, but is restricted to sure urban areas because of local socio-political weather, and there are many cities where Muslims and Hindus live peacefully together with most no incidences of sectarian violence.[thirty] [31]

Office of political parties

Many social scientists feel that many of the stated acts of violence are institutionally supported, particularly past political parties and organizations connected to the Hindu nationalist volunteer organisation, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). In item, scholars mistake the Bharatiya Janata Political party (BJP) and the Shiv Sena for complicity in these incidents of violence[32] [33] [34] [35] and of using violence confronting Muslims every bit a part of a larger electoral strategy.[32] [36] For case, research by Raheel Dhattiwala and Michael Biggs has stated that killings are far higher in areas where the BJP faces potent electoral opposition than in areas in which it is already strong.[17] In 1989, the north of India saw an increase in orchestrated attacks on Muslims, and the BJP had farther success in the local and country elections.[37] The social anthropologist Stanley Jeyaraja Tambiah concludes that the violence in Bhagalpur in 1989, Hashimpura in 1987 and Moradabad in 1980 were organised killings.[38] According to Ram Puniyani, the Shiv Sena were victorious in the elections due to the violence in the 1990s, and the BJP in Gujarat after the 2002 violence.[39] Gyan Prakash, however, cautions that the BJP'due south deportment in Gujarat practise not equate to the entirety of India, and information technology remains to be seen if the Hindutva move has been successful in the deployment of this strategy nationwide.[40]

Economical and cultural factors

Hindu nationalists use the historical subjugation of Bharat by Muslims equally an excuse for violence. They feel that, since the Partition, Indian Muslims are allied to Pakistan and are peradventure radicalised and, therefore, the Hindus must take defensive steps to avoid echo of the past wrongs and reassert their pride.[ original enquiry? ] [41] The higher fertility rate amongst Muslims has been a recurring theme in the Hindu Right's rhetoric. They claim that the college birth charge per unit amidst Muslims is part of a plan to plow the Hindus into a minority inside their own country.[ original research? ] [42]

Some other reason given for these outbreaks of violence is the up mobility of the lower castes caused by the expansion of the economic system. The violence has become a substitute for class tensions. Nationalists, rather than deal with the claims from the lower class, instead view Muslims and Christians as non "fully Indian" due to their religion,[43] and portray those who deport out these attacks every bit "heroes" that defended the majority from "anti-nationals".[39] Muslims are viewed every bit suspect and their loyalty to the country is questioned because of the ill-will still prevalent later on the violence during partition. According to Omar Khalidi:

Anti-Muslim violence is planned and executed to render Muslims economically and socially crippled and, as a final outcome of that economic and social backwardness, assimilating them into lower rungs of Hindu society.[44]

Cultural nationalism has also been given as a reason for instances of violence carried out by Shiv Sena which initially claimed to speak for the people of Maharashtra, but quickly turned their rhetoric to inciting violence against Muslims. The Shiv Sena were complicit in the violence in 1984 in the town of Bhiwandi, and once more in the violence in Bombay in 1992 and 1993.[19] Violence has been incited by Sena in 1971 and 1986.[45] [37] According to Sudipta Kaviraj, the Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) are still engaged in the religious conflicts which began in the medieval times.[46]

Anti-Muslim violence creates a security risk for Hindus residing exterior of India. Since the 1950s, in that location have been retaliatory attacks on Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh in response to anti-Muslim violence in India. After the 1992 violence in Mumbai, Hindu temples were attacked in U.k., Dubai and Thailand.[47] This recurring violence has become a rigidly conventional pattern which has created a carve up between the Muslim and Hindu communities.[48]

Jamaat-east-Islami Hind has spoken out confronting these communal clashes, as it believes that the violence not only impacts upon Muslims, simply Bharat every bit a whole, and that these riots are damaging to Bharat's progress.[49] In Gujarat, the Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act (TADA) was used in incidents pertaining to communal violence in 1992 and 1993. The majority of those arrested nether the human action were Muslim. Conversely, TADA was not used after the violence carried out against Muslims during the Mumbai riots.[50]


The BJP politicians, also as those of other parties, argue that demographics play an essential part in Indian elections. The BJP believe that the higher the number of Muslims within a constituency, the higher are the chances of centrist parties to acquiesce to minority groups' requests, which lowers the chances of Muslims "building bridges" with their Hindu neighbours. Every bit such, according to this statement "Muslim appeasement" is the root crusade of communal violence.[51] Susanne and Lloyd Rudolph debate that the economic disparity is a reason for the assailment shown towards Muslims by Hindus. As India's economy expanded due to globalization and investment from overseas companies, the expectations of the Hindu population were not matched past the opportunities. Hindu nationalists then encouraged the perception of Muslims every bit the source of the Hindus' troubles.[52]

The actions of anti-Hindu and anti-India militant groups in Kashmir and Pakistan have reinforced anti-Muslim feelings in India, which has strengthened the Hindu Right. The Hindutva soapbox portrays Muslims equally traitors and state enemies, whose patriotism is suspected.[53] Sumit Ganguly argues that the rise in terrorism cannot only be attributed to socioeconomic factors, but also to the violence perpetrated past Hindutva forces.[54]

Major incidents

Approximate total victims due to major incidents

Year State Dead Injured Incarcerated Displaced Conviction of culprits Incident
1964 Westward Bengal 100+ 438 7000+ ? ? 1964 Calcutta riots
1983 Assam 1800 ? ? ? ? 1983 Nellie massacre
1969-1989 Gujarat 3130 ? ? ? ? 1969 to 1989 Gujarat riots
1987 Uttar Pradesh 42 ? ? ? ? 1987 Hashimpura massacre
1989 Bihar thousand ? ? 50000 ? 1989 Bhagalpur riots
1992 Maharashtra 900 2036 ? 1000 ? 1992 Bombay riots
2002 Gujarat 2000 ? ? 200000 ? 2002 Gujarat violence
2013 Uttar Pradesh 42 93 150 50000 ? 2013 Muzaffarnagar riots
2020 Delhi 53 200 ? ? ? 2020 Delhi riots
NA Approximate total 9067 2767 7150 301000 NA NA

1964 Kolkata riots

Riots between Hindus and Muslims had left over a hundred people dead, 438 people were injured. Over 7000 people were arrested. 70,000 Muslims accept fled their homes and 55,000 were provided protection past the Indian regular army. Muslims in Kolkata became more ghettoized than ever before in the aftermath of this riot. Violence was also seen in rural W Bengal.[55]

1983 Nellie massacre

In the state of Assam in 1983 the Nellie massacre occurred. Nearly 1,800 Muslims of Bengali origin were slaughtered past Lalung tribespeople (also known as Tiwa) at a village called Nellie.[56] [57] It has been described as one of the most severe massacres since World State of war II with the majority of victims being women and children, as a effect of the actions of the Assam Move.[58] [59]

One reason cited for this incident is that it resulted from a build-up of resentment over immigration.[threescore] The Assam movement insisted on striking the names of illegal immigrants from the electoral annals and their deportation from the state. In that location was widespread support for the move, which tapered off between 1981 and 1982.[61]

The movement demanded that anyone who had entered the land illegally since 1951 be deported. The fundamental authorities, however, insisted on a cutoff date of 1971. Towards the terminate of 1982, the fundamental government called elections and the movement called for people to boycott information technology, which led to the widespread violence.[62]

The official Tiwari Commission report on the Nellie massacre is still a closely guarded secret (only 3 copies exist).[63] The 600-page report was submitted to the Assam Government in 1984 and the Congress Government (headed by Hiteswar Saikia) decided not to make it public, and subsequent Governments followed suit.[64] Assam United Democratic Front and others are making legal efforts to make Tiwari Commission report public, so that reasonable justice is delivered to victims, at to the lowest degree after 25 years later on the incident.[65]

Since, so there have been no instances of communal violence in Upper Assam.[66]

1969 to 1989 Gujarat riots

During the 1969 Gujarat riots, it is estimated that 630 people lost their lives.[67] The 1970 Bhiwandi Riots was an instance of anti-Muslim violence which occurred betwixt 7 and 8 May in the Indian towns of Bhiwandi, Jalgaon and Mahad. At that place were large amounts of arson and vandalism of Muslim-owned backdrop. In 1980 in Moradabad, an estimated ii,500 people were killed.[68] The official estimate is 400 and other observers estimate between 1,500 and 2,000. Local police were direct implicated in planning the violence.[69] In 1989 in Bhagalpur, it is estimated nearly 1,000 people lost their lives in violent attacks,[67] believed to be a event of tensions raised over the Ayodhya dispute and the processions carried out past VHP activists, which were to exist a show of forcefulness and to serve as a warning to the minority communities.[lxx]

1987 Hashimpura massacre

Hashimpura massacre happened on 22 May 1987, during the Hindu-Muslim riots in Meerut city in Uttar Pradesh state, Bharat, when 19 personnel of the Provincial Armed Law (PAC) allegedly rounded up 42 Muslim youth from the Hashimpura mohalla (locality) of the city, took them in truck to the outskirts, near Murad Nagar, in Ghaziabad district, where they were shot and their bodies were dumped in water canals. A few days later expressionless bodies were found floating in the canals. In May 2000, xvi of the 19 defendant surrendered, and were later released on bail, while 3 were already dead. The trial of the example was transferred past the Supreme Court of India in 2002 from Ghaziabad to a Sessions Court at the Tis Hazari complex in Delhi,[71] [72] where it was the oldest pending case.[73] On 21 March 2015, all 16 men accused in the Hashimpura massacre instance of 1987 were acquitted past Tis Hazari Court due to insufficient show.[74] The Court emphasized that the survivors could non recognize any of the defendant PAC personnel. On 31 October 2018, the Delhi High Court bedevilled the 16 personnel of the PAC and sentenced them to life imprisonment, overturning the trial courts verdict.[75] [76] [77]

1989 Bhagalpur violence

On 24 October 1989 in the Bhagalpur district of Bihar, the violent incidents happened for over ii months. The violence afflicted the Bhagalpur city and 250 villages around it. Over 1,000 people were killed, and another 50,000 were displaced as a consequence of the violence. It was the worst Hindu-Muslim violence in independent India at the fourth dimension.[78] [79]

1992 Mumbai riots

The destruction of the Babri Mosque by Hindu nationalists led direct to the 1992 Bombay riots.[80]According to an article published in The Hindu'due south Frontline magazine, titled Gory Wintertime, "officially, 900 people were killed in mob rioting and firing by the police force, two,036 injured and thousands internally displaced."[81] BBC correspondent Toral Varia chosen the riots "a pre-planned pogrom," that had been in the making since 1990, and stated that the destruction of the mosque was "the final provocation".[82]

Several scholars accept as well concluded that the riots must take been pre-planned, and that Hindu rioters had been given access to information nigh the locations of Muslim homes and businesses from non-public sources.[83] This violence is widely reported equally having been orchestrated by Shiv Sena, a Hindu nationalist group led by Bal Thackeray.[84] A loftier-ranking member of the special branch, V. Deshmukh, gave evidence to the commission tasked with probing the riots. He said the failures in intelligence and prevention had been due to political assurances that the mosque in Ayodhya would be protected, that the law were fully aware of the Shiv Sena'due south capabilities to commit acts of violence, and that they had incited detest against the minority communities.[85]

The skyline of Ahmedabad filled with fume as buildings and shops are assail burn past rioting mobs

2002 Gujarat riots

Since partition, Muslim community has been subject field to and engaged in violence in Gujarat.[28] In 2002, in an incident described as an act of "fascistic country terror,"[86] Hindu extremists carried out acts of violence against the Muslim minority population.[87]

The starting point for the incident was the Godhra train called-for which was allegedly washed by Muslims.[88] During the incident, young girls were sexually assaulted, burned or hacked to decease.[89] These instances of violence condoned by the ruling BJP,[90] [91] whose refusal to arbitrate lead to the displacement of 200,000.[92] Decease toll figures range from the official judge of 254 Hindus and 790 to 2,000 Muslims killed.[93] Then Chief Minister Narendra Modi has also been accused of initiating and condoning the violence, as take the police and government officials who took part, as they directed the rioters and gave lists of Muslim-owned properties to the extremists.[94]

Mallika Sarabhai, who had complained over state complicity in the violence, was harassed, intimidated and falsely defendant of human trafficking by the BJP.[95] Three law officers were given punitive transfers past the BJP after they had successfully put down the rioting in their wards, so as not to interfere further in preventing the violence.[96] Co-ordinate to Brass, the merely conclusion from the show which is available points to a methodical pogrom, which was carried out with "exceptional brutality and was highly coordinated".[97]

In 2007, Tehelka mag released "The Truth: Gujarat 2002," a report which implicated the country regime in the violence, and claimed that what had been called a spontaneous act of revenge was, in reality, a "country-sanctioned pogrom".[98] According to Human Rights Watch, the violence in Gujarat in 2002 was pre-planned, and the law and land government participated in the violence.[99] In 2012, Modi was cleared of complicity in the violence by a Special Investigation Team appointed by the Supreme Courtroom. The Muslim community is reported to have reacted with "anger and atheism," and activist Teesta Setalvad has said the legal fight was not yet over, as they had the right to appeal.[100] Human Rights Watch has reported on acts of exceptional heroism by Hindus, Dalits and tribals, who tried to protect Muslims from the violence.[101]

2013 Muzaffarnagar riots

In yr 2013 betwixt August to September, conflicts between the two major religious communities Hindu and Muslims happened in Muzaffarnagar district of Uttar Pradesh land. This riots resulted in at least 62 deaths including 42 Muslims and 20 Hindus and injured 200 and left more than 50,000 displaced.

2020 Delhi riots

The 2020 Delhi riots, which left 53 dead and more than than 200 seriously injured,[102] were triggered by protests against a citizenship law seen by critics equally anti-Muslim.[103] [104] [105] [106] [107] [108]

Other incidents

Approximate full victims due to other incidents

Type Country Month Year Twelvemonth Victim(s) Conviction of culprits Incident
Sexual assault Jammu and Kashmir April 2018 i ? On xvi April 2018 at Rasana village near Kathua in Jammu and Kashmir, an 8-twelvemonth-old girl Asifa Bano was abducted, gang raped, and murdered.[109] [110] [111]
Mob lynching Jharkhand June 2019 one ? On 18 June 2019 at Dhatkidih village of Jharkhand'south Seraikela Kharsawan district, a 22-year-old Tabrez Ansari, was lynched where in the video of the attack, he was pleading to the mob and was forced to chant "Jai Shri Ram" and "Jai Hanuman".[112] [113]
Mob lynching Karnataka June 2020 1 ? On 15 June 2020, at Mangalore, in Karnataka, a tempo driver Mohd Hanif was brutally beaten up by the cow vigilante lynch mob and damaged the tempo vehicle. Reportedly, the men belonged to Bajrang Dal.[114] [115] [116]
Mob lynching Rajasthan August 2020 1 ? On 8 August 2020 at Sikar commune in Rajasthan, a 52-year-one-time Gaffar Ahmed was brutally browbeaten up and forced to chant "Jai Shree Ram" and "Modi Zindabad". The attackers allegedly pulled the driver'due south beard, punched his molar out, and asked him to go to Pakistan[117] [118]
Mob lynching Jammu and Kashmir August 2020 2 ? On xvi August 2020 at Reasi in Jammu and Kashmir, Muhammad Asgar (40) and his nephew Javid Ahmad (26) were beaten with sticks, punches and kicks with "Desh ke gaddron ko, goli maaro salon ko" (Shoot the traitors) and "Republic of india Mata ki Jai" chants.[119]
Mob lynching Haryana Baronial 2020 one ? On 23 August 2020 at Panipat in Haryana, a 28-year-sometime Akhlaq Salmani was beaten with bricks and clubs and his correct arm conveying '786' (Numerology based Muslim believers consider it Holy) was cut off with chainsaw.[120]
Mob lynching Haryana September 2020 1 ? On 3 September 2020 at Karnal, Haryana, an Imam of a masjid Mohammad Ahsan was browbeaten with sharp-edged swords, rods and batons with heavy injuries to the victim's caput.[121]
Mob lynching Uttar Pradesh September 2020 i ? On 6 September 2020 at NCR, Aftab Alam was lynched to say "Jai Sri Ram".[122]
Mob lynching Maharashtra September 2020 4 ? On xvi September 2020 at Beed's Hol hamlet in Maharashtra, Suhail Tamboli, Aslam Ather, Sayyed Layak and Nizamuddin Qazi were attacked with bricks and sticks abusing the customs.[123]
Mob Lynching Kanpur August 2021 ane iii Muslim human assaulted in front of his 6 years old daughter, forced to dirge Jai Shri Ram in Kanpur.[124]
Cyber Stalking Pan Bharat January 2022 ~100 2 (arrests) [125] A faux site, initially named SulliDeals and later recreated equally BulliBai, for online, organized virtual bullying, with threats of sexualized violence aimed at silencing the outspoken women active on Twitter.[126]
Cyber Bullying Pan India Jan 2022 one 3 Clubhouse chat rooms were created where the participants passed derogatory comments against women, mostly to the Muslim customs. along with an "auction of their torso parts".[127]

Mob lynching

On 18 June 2019 at Dhatkidih village of Jharkhand's Seraikela Kharsawan district, a 22-year-old Tabrez Ansari, was lynched where in the video of the assail, he was pleading to the mob and was forced to chant "Jai Shree Ram" and "Jai Hanuman".[112] [113]

On xv June 2020, at Mangalore, in Karnataka, a tempo driver Mohd Hanif was brutally beaten up by the moo-cow vigilante lynch mob and damaged the tempo vehicle. Reportedly, the men belonged to Bajrang Dal.[114] [115] [116]

On 8 August 2020 at Sikar district in Rajasthan, a 52-year-old Gaffar Ahmed was brutally beaten up and forced to chant "Jai Shree Ram" and "Modi Zindabad". The attackers allegedly pulled the driver's beard, punched his molar out, and asked him to go to Islamic republic of pakistan.[117] [118]

On xvi August 2020 at Reasi in Jammu and Kashmir, Muhammad Asgar (40) and his nephew Javid Ahmad (26) were beaten with sticks, punches and kicks with "Desh ke gaddron ko, goli maaro salon ko" (Shoot the traitors) and "India Mata ki Jai" chants.[119]

On 23 Baronial 2020 at Panipat in Haryana, a 28-year-sometime Akhlaq Salmani was browbeaten with bricks and clubs and his right arm conveying '786' (Numerology based Muslim believers consider information technology Holy) was cut off with chainsaw.[120]

On 3 September 2020 at Karnal, Haryana, an Imam of a masjid Mohammad Ahsan was with abrupt-edged swords, rods and batons with heavy injuries to the victim'south caput.[121]

On half dozen September 2020 at NCR, Aftab Alam was lynched to death earlier being force fed with alcohol and made to say "Jai Shree Ram".[122]

On sixteen September 2020 at Beed's Hol village in Maharashtra, Suhail Tamboli, Aslam Ather, Sayyed Layak and Nizamuddin Qazi were attacked with bricks and sticks abusing the community.[123]

Najeeb Ahmed, a student of Biotechnology in Jawaharlal Nehru University was attacked and kidnapped by ABVP members on 15 October 2016.[128] After a long legal boxing by Najeeb'southward mother, CBI closed the case citing inability to find Najeeb.[129] Student protests occurred annually demanding justice for Najeeb and rubber for Muslim students in educational institutions. This planned kidnapping is viewed past many every bit a threat past Hindu radicals to Muslim students even in premiere institutions.

Sexual assault

On 16 April 2018 at Rasana hamlet virtually Kathua in Jammu and Kashmir, an viii-year-onetime girl Asifa Bano was abducted, gang raped, and murdered.[109] [110] [111]

Hindu event calling for genocide of Muslims

In 2021, a meeting was held in Haridwar, in the northern state of Uttarakhand, in which participants called for mass killings and the employ of weapons against Muslims.[130]


The motion-picture show Parzania, which is based on the Gulbarg Society massacre which occurred during the 2002 violence, was boycotted by cinemas in Gujarat over fright of sparking another riot. The film documents atrocities such as families being burned alive in their homes by Hindu extremists, women being set on burn later being gang-raped, and children beingness hacked to pieces.[131]

Final Solution by Rakesh Sharma is considered one of the improve documentaries which covers the violence in Gujarat in 2002.[132] The Central Board of Movie Certification had tried to ban the motion-picture show but, in 2004, chairman Anupam Kher granted a certificate which allowed an uncut version to be screened.[133]

See besides

  • Saffron terror
  • Cow vigilante violence in India
  • Religious violence in India
  • Violence against Christians in India
  • Conversion of non-Hindu places of worship into temples
  • Persecution of Muslims
  • Terrorism in India
  • Islam in India
  • 2020 Delhi riots
  • Hindutva
  • Hate crime
  • Hindu–Islamic relations


  1. ^ ʻAbd Allāh Aḥmad Naʻīm (2008). Islam and the Secular State: Negotiating the Future of Shari'a. Harvard University Press. p. 161. ISBN978-0-674-02776-3.
  2. ^ Yogesh Atal (2009). Sociology and Social Anthropology in Republic of india. Pearson Education India. pp. 250–251. ISBN978-81-317-2034-9.
  3. ^ Gupta, Narayani (1981). Delhi between 2 Empires. New Delhi: Oxford Academy Press.
  4. ^ a b Hardiman, David (2003). Gandhi in His Time and Ours: The Global Legacy of His Ideas. Columbia University Printing. p. 22. ISBN978-0-231-13114-eight.
  5. ^ Jaffrelot, Christophe (2015). The Sangh Parivar: A Reader.
  6. ^ Christophe Jaffrelot (1999). The Hindu Nationalist Motility and Indian Politics: 1925 to the 1990s : Strategies of Identity-edifice, Implantation and Mobilisation (with Special Reference to Cardinal India). Penguin Books Bharat. p. 55.
  7. ^ Demerath, N. J. (2004). "Review: [The Production of Hindu-Muslim Violence in Contemporary Republic of india, past Paul R. Brass. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 2003, xix + 476 pp., $50.00 (textile)]". Sociology of Religion. 65 (iii): 304–306. doi:ten.2307/3712256. JSTOR 3712256.
  8. ^ Engineer, Asghar Ali (1989). Communalism and communal violence in India: an analytical approach to Hindu-Muslim disharmonize. Due south Asia Books.
  9. ^ Jaffrelot 1996, p.[ page needed ].
  10. ^ Fachandi, P. (2012). Pogrom in Gujarat: Hindu Nationalism and Anti-Muslim Violence in India. Princeton University Press.
  11. ^ Brass 2003, p. 65: "Deaths in Hindu-Muslim riots take iii sources: "Mob action", "police killings" and "isolated incidents". "Mob action" may accept the form of confrontations between gangs or crowds from different communities or segments of them, armed with sticks, knives, swords, and occasionally bombs and small weapons, and kerosene. It frequently involves armed gangs from one community seeking out defenseless persons or whole families in their homes, slashing and cutting up the male members and sometimes the female members, and raping the latter, and burning all alive including the children. A 2nd source is police killings, which account for a large number of deaths in several major riots for which figures take been provided by enquiry commission reports, and which cannot be justified in terms of "crowd control". These killings are unduly of Muslims."
  12. ^ Riaz 2008, p. 165: "Violence perpetrated against Muslims is now naturalized: riots are 'well-known and accepted transgression of routine political beliefs in India.' ... 'Hindu-Muslim riots and anti-Muslim pogroms have been owned in India since independence.'"
  13. ^ Herman 2006, p. 65.
  14. ^ Cohen 2013, p. 66.
  15. ^ Ganguly 2007, p. 135.
  16. ^ Pennington 2012, p. 32.
  17. ^ a b Dhattiwala & Biggs 2012.
  18. ^ Brass 2003, p. lx.
  19. ^ a b Chandavarkar 2009, p. 29.
  20. ^ Swami 2006, p. 217.
  21. ^ Rao, Ojaswi; Abraham, Delna (28 June 2017). "86% Dead In Cow-Related Violence Since 2010 Are Muslim; 97% Attacks Later 2014". Archived from the original on 28 September 2017. Retrieved 23 September 2017.
  22. ^ Wilkes, Tommy; Srivastava, Roli (28 June 2017). "Protests held across India after attacks against Muslims". Reuters. Archived from the original on ten June 2020. Retrieved 11 March 2020.
  23. ^ Smith 2005, pp. 11–12.
  24. ^ Metcalf 2009, p. 117.
  25. ^ Holt 1977, p. 117.
  26. ^ Sikand 2004, p. 126.
  27. ^ Pandey 2005, p. 188.
  28. ^ a b Ghassem-Fachandi 2012, p. 2.
  29. ^ Metcalf 2013, p. 109.
  30. ^ Varshney 2004.
  31. ^ "Religious Politics and Communal Violence: Disquisitional Problems in Indian Politics" (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 19 Apr 2009. Retrieved 30 October 2014.
  32. ^ a b Jaffrelot 2011, p. 376.
  33. ^ Sarkur 2007, p. 187.
  34. ^ Brekke 2012, pp. 86–87.
  35. ^ Brass, Paul. "Riots, Pogroms, and Genocide in Gimmicky Bharat: From Partition to the Present". Paul R. Brass. Archived from the original on 5 October 2013. Retrieved 3 June 2013.
  36. ^ Jaffrelot 2011, p. 382.
  37. ^ a b Chandavarkar 2009, p. 114.
  38. ^ Tambiah 1997, p. 321.
  39. ^ a b Puniyan 2003, pp. 12–13.
  40. ^ Prakash 2007, pp. 177–179.
  41. ^ Etzion 2008, pp. 123–124.
  42. ^ Weigl 2012, p. 19.
  43. ^ Metcalf 2006, p. 89.
  44. ^ Puniyan 2003, p. 153.
  45. ^ Kaur 2005, p. 160.
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External links

  • Contumely, Paul R. "On the Study of Riots, Pogroms, and Genocide" (PDF). University of Washington.


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